What is the best HIPAA certification?

In today’s digitalized world, the protection of key information and sensitive personal records is one of the most important things that need to be focused upon by any firm. There have been many instances of privacy invasion and security breaches that have occurred in the last decade. Even though the advancement in technology has brought with itself a great opportunity to learn and earn online, the issue of a security breach, as well as information leakage, still exists. In fact, it can be said that with the operations moving online, this has become a graver and a more serious problem as hackers sitting in all corners of the world can gain access to it and alter it according to their own will. This, however, can be avoided by firms, if they resort to HIPAA Compliance. Nowadays you can get help from companies like Providertech to make your business HIPAA compliant. What is HIPAA Compliance? HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and serves the issue of health information protection and limits the access of personal patient’s health records to only a few people according to the situation at hand. In order to explain this in simpler terms, let us take an example of an online platform that connects certified psychotherapists and patients seeking mental health therapy online. In order to become more secure…